Research connection education and labor market

Research connection education and labor market

IndigoBlue Consult has provided research support to the Kenniscentrum Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven in identifying the connection between Curaçao vocational education and the labor market. The connection between education and the labor market is not optimal in...
Cost calculation for childcare in Curaçao

Cost calculation for childcare in Curaçao

IndigoBlue Consult carried out a cost price calculation of child care facilities on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sport. The introduction of a legal framework for quality childcare in Curaçao has an effect on the cost price for childcare....
Neighborhood profiles Curaçao

Neighborhood profiles Curaçao

IndigoBlue Consult has written 21 neighborhood profiles on behalf of the Social Knowledge Center Curaçao to support the integral neighborhood approach. The neighborhood profiles project was started as a qualitative sub-study of the neighborhood monitor because there...
Exploration Urbanismo Social

Exploration Urbanismo Social

Elly Hellings taught Community Development at the University of Curacao, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences and in this context, in collaboration with the Faculty of Technical Sciences, analyzed the application possibilities of the Urbanismo Social concept in...